Colour Your Mood™ Body Blend Roll-Ons, 10ml

Colour Energy's Mood Enhancing Booster Blends have been created to support the body, mind and spirit on multiple levels. These powerful recipes contain 100% therapeutic essential oils in jojoba. Colour Energy's Mood Blends are all natural colour-coded formulas and free from additives, alcohols, chemical fragrances and preservatives.

To empower your sense of well being, add several drops of your favourite to a bath to create a pampering aroma and colour therapy home spa experience. Apply directly to the skin as a fragrance and pick-me-up.

Get-Up-&-Go™: Need that extra kick-start to your day? This aromatherapy cocktail is sure to excite you. The delicate yet empowering blend of oils will rev up your root centre so you feel strong enough to face any kind of day. Apply to your base chakra and soles of your feet. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Orange, Lime, Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon ad Lemon in organic jojoba.

Garden of Eden™: This alluring blend was created to enhance a state of great euphoria and take you to a place of paradise. Deeply inhale this sensually stimulating aroma to arouse the feelings of desire and pleasure. Dab a few drops on your neck and wrists. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Orange, Cedarwood, Neroli and Vanilla in organic jojoba.

Yoga™: Use this blend to enhance your ability to observe, quietly contemplate and pray. The oils contained in this recipe help relax the spirit and return you to a state of optimum health and happiness. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Orange, Rosewood, Champa, Patchouli and Neroli in organic jojoba.

Smarty Pants™: Awaken your mind power with this uplifting and invigorating blend of oils. This mentally delicious aroma will alert your brain to help amplify your memory abilities and yellow intellectual brilliance. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Grapefruit, Lemon, Bergamot, Champa and Litsea Cubeba in organic jojoba.

Forest Fantasy™: Instantly take a walk in nature by using this blend. Connect with Mother Nature and relax. This delightful scent is sure to nurture your body, mind and spirit. Apply to your heart chakra for balance. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Eucalyptus, Lemon, Spearmint, Pine and Champa in organic jojoba.

Sweet Serenity™: Tranquility in a bottle. Use this delicate blend when you wish to create a peaceful and serene environment. The freshness of oils will quiet your mind and help you to forget about any troubles or stresses. Reconnect to your inner sanctuary. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Geranium, Bergamot, Spruce and Blue Chamomile in organic jojoba.

Relax & Renew™: Inhale this unwinding aroma to help you regroup and refresh your energy. The oils used in this blend will enliven and sooth your body, mind, spirit and soul. Apply liberally on areas of stress to soothe and loosen up any tightness. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Lavender, Clary Sage, Bergamot and Frankincense in organic jojoba.

Soul Purpose™: Strengthen the connection to your higher self and tap into your soul purpose. When this awe-inspiring blend, your mind will naturally quiet so you can go deep within yourself to find answers to your life's path. Rub a drop on your brow chakra to awaken it. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Champa, Lavender, Frankincense, Myrrh and Jasmine in organic jojoba.

A-U-M™: Enhance your meditation and prayers with this angelic blend of sacred oils. Be one with your divine deity and experience a higher state of consciousness by fostering a spiritual space of gratitude. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Lavender, Champa, Camphor, Jasmine and Frankincense in organic jojoba.

Metamorphosis™: Transform yourself by inhaling the aroma. Change is good if it inspires you to reach your full potential. Learn to spread your wings and become the beautiful butterfly you were meant to be. Rub a few drops onto your thymus area. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Rosalina, Lemon, Lime, Lemongrass and Clary Sage in organic jojoba.

Love Is in the Air™: Enhance the romance by creating an alluring ambiance. These seducing oils will help escalate the love vibe in any relationship. Unite with your soulmate and enjoy a heartfelt intimate evening. Use when needing a dose of self-love. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Bergamot, Palmarosa, Sandalwood and Rose in organic jojoba.

Rainbow Power™: User this incredible blend daily and reap the benefit of the rainbow's power. Created by our team of colour and aromatherapy experts, this oil blend is sure to please all your senses. Envision the colours of the spectrum recharging your body, mind and spirit with it's vibrant vitality. Apply to each chakra point for complete balancing. INGREDIENTS: Essential oils of Orange, Lemon, Lime, Champa, Vanilla, Myrrh and Jasmine in organic jojoba.

White Light™: Use this incredible mix daily and reap the benefit of White Light. Created by our team of colour and aromatherapy experts, this mix is sure to please all your senses. Raise your personal vibration by balancing all your chakras simultaneously and in a safe manner. Use to attract abundance, prosperity, good health and wealth into your life. INGREDIENTSEssential oils of Bergamot, Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Lavender, Camphor, Frankincense, Petitgrain, Cedarwood, Champa, Rose, Neroli, Sandalwood, Geranium and Rosalina in organic jojoba.

Medieval Thymes™: As the urban legend goes, there was a secret recipe created by four thieves that were notoriously robbing the ill and deceased during the era of the plague to help them avoid contracting the disease. The essential oils used are considered to be antiviral, anti infectious, antibacterial, anti fungal and antiseptic. These oils will strengthen the immune, respiratory and circulatory systems. Mould and bacteria cannot survive in the presence of many essential oils making this secret recipe an extremely effective household cleaner and immune enhancer. Ingredients include: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Thyme & Myrrh  in organic jojoba
